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Bassett Electric – Residential and Commercial Electricians serving Oklahoma City

Bassett Electric was founded in 2011 with a focus on providing modern electrical services via old-fashioned customer service. Already, this philosophy has led to referral business that enabled our company to partner with some of the most visible organizations in the region, including the Oklahoma National Stockyards, Shepherd Center and Alliance Health Deaconess and more. We are innovative, relationship-oriented and focused on quality.

Our sister company, Metro Generators of Oklahoma, LLC, is an authorized Kohler dealer offering complete design and installation service. Investing in a natural gas or propane diesel generator allows you to continue everyday activities without the inconvenience and hardships that go along with having an electrical outage. If you or a loved one’s health depends on the power of electricity, installing a generator that automatically activates after a three-second interval via an automatic transfer switch will ensure you will always have power in your home or business.

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